General Command Arguments

The Datawire Connect Cloud Tools command line interface supports the following arguments with any command:

These arguments are all optional but must be specified after the command and in the order listed above if used. Some commands may require command-specific arguments between the general command arguments. Refer to the documentation for each command for specifics.


-h provides a list of available arguments with brief descriptions for the current command.


dwc <command> -h

Equivalent Options

The following arguments are equivalent to -h:

  • –help

Constraints and Usage Notes

If -h is specified, nothing else in the command is evaluated.

Using -h as a command level argument does not provide any specifics about the available top level arguments or available commands.

Because the Datawire Connect Cloud Tools command line interface is order dependent, the following commands are not equivalent:

dwc -h


dwc <command> -h

Further, if you specify the following:

dwc -h <command> -h

only the first -h is evaluated; no information about <command> will be returned.


–verify indicates that the token signatures should be verified to ensure that the supplied token was generated by Datawire Connect Cloud Tools.


dwc <command> ... --verify ...

Equivalent Options

The following arguments are equivalent to –verify:

  • –verify-tokens
  • –require-verification

Constraints and Usage Notes

Coming soon.