
This document walks you through the system, application, and tooling requirements for using Datawire Connect as well as the actual installation process.


Datawire Connect has basic requirements that all users must meet as well as requirements specific to particular output languages.

Basic Requirements

Datawire Connect requires a modern Linux distribution or Mac OS X. It has been successfully tested on the following:

  • Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite)
  • Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
  • Fedora 22

Datawire Connect also requires the following:

  • Python 2.7+
  • pip
  • tar

Java Requirements

You must have Java installed to use any Java code generated by Datawire Connect. Datawire Connect has been successfully tested with Java 7 and Java 8.

To compile and run the generated code directly from Datawire Connect you must also have Maven installed. Datawire Connect has been successfully tested with Maven 3.1 and Maven 3.3.x. Maven is not required if you wish to use the generated .java files manually either directly or within an IDE.

To use the documentation or package generation feature of Datawire Connect with Java, you must also have Maven installed. Datawire Connect has been successfully tested with Maven 3.1 and Maven 3.3.x.

Note: Javadoc comments will be generated in the source files as part of the code generation process. You may manually run Javadoc on those files to generate HTML documentation without Maven installed.

Python Requirements

There are no additional requirements to use Python code generated by Datawire Connect.

Javascript Requirements

You must have Node.js installed to use any Javascript code generated by Datawire Connect. Datawire Connect has been successfully tested with Node 4.2.1 and is expected to work with any 4.x version of Node.

Ruby Requirements

You must have Ruby 2.3 installed to use any Ruby code generated by Datawire Connect.

Alternative Usage via Docker

If you don’t want to install anything you can run a minimal test of your code using a Docker image. For example, let’s assume you haven’t installed Java but you want to make sure your code runs with Java. You can do so by running:

docker run -v $PWD:/code datawire/quark-run --java path/to/your/file.q

This is equivalent to doing quark install --java path/to/your/file.q followed by quark run --java path/to/your/file.q. You can also use --javascript, --ruby, or --python instead of --java.


To install Datawire Connect, run the following command:

curl -sL | sh