
The accept-invitation command allows an invited user to join an organization.


The basic syntax of the accept-invitation command is:

dwc accept-invitation <invitationCode>

The full syntax (excepting top level arguments) is:

dwc ... accept-invitation -h --name <name> --password <password> --verify <invitationCode>

More information about each argument can be found under arguments.

Expected Response

Successful calls will result in the following response:

Accepting invitation to <orgId>
Now logged in as [<orgId>]<emailAddress>

where <orgId> is the organization ID of your organization and <emailAddress> is the email address supplied in the request.

Common Error States

The most common error encountered with this call is that the user fails to provide matching passwords. They will be given two chances to supply matching passwords before the command fails.


The following arguments are supported for the invite-user command:

  • -h
  • –name
  • –password
  • –verify
  • <invitationCode>


-h is described under general command arguments.


Optional. Indicates a handle for the user creating the new organization. This handle is an external identifier; the user will be given a userID to identify him within Datawire.

Equivalent Options

The following arguments are equivalent to –name:

  • –fullname

Constraints and Usage Notes

If used, this option sets the user name in the system.

If omitted, the user is prompted to enter a name interactively after submitting the command.

Any UTF-8 string may be used for the name. Quotes must be used around the value if it includes spaces.


Optional. Allows the user to specify his password directly in the command.

Equivalent Options

The following arguments are equivalent to –password:

  • –pw

Constraints and Usage Notes

If used, this option does not require two identical passwords to create the account.

If omitted, the user is prompted to enter a password interactively after submitting the command. In this case, the password must be entered twice and if the values do not agree the user is offered a second chance to supply a valid password.

There are no restrictions on password value imposed by Datawire Connect Cloud Tools. If your organization requires specific rules for passwords in third party systems they should be managed on your end.


–verify is described under general command arguments.


Required. Indicates the identifier returned by the invite-user command that generated this invitation.

Equivalent Options

This argument does not have a corresponding flag. It is determined by position within the command.

Constraints and Usage Notes

The invitation code must be the last argument supplied with the command.